O God, what love was Thine, to lift,
From depths degrading such as we,
And give us to Thy Son, a gift
So grateful unto Him, that He
Should shed His blood our souls to bring
To heights of bliss bewildering;
To re-create us, to unite
Us to Himself brought from the dead
By Thine eternal Spirit’s might,
Live members to their living Head,
One with Him who redemption wrought:
This, this were never human thought:
That we should be so one with Him,
His body, He our heavenly Head,
By this to reach the utmost rim
Of that vast sphere for which He bled,
And thus with light that sphere to fill:
No creature’s counsel this nor will.
The thought was Thine, the power to bring
The thought to pass was all Thine own—
Ring, earth, with acclamation, ring.
Ring, worlds that wheel about His throne.
Ring with the praise of Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit—Triune One.