(John 1:38)
Where dwellest Thou—Thou whose unfathomed grace
Our souls with wondrous longings doth endow?
Bright visions of a purer better place
Before us rise! O say, where dwellest Thou?
Where dwellest Thou? O Lord, hast Thou not said
Foxes have dens, and birds the forest bough,
But Thou hadst here no place to lay Thy head?
Then tell us, Son of Man, where dwellest Thou?
Where dwellest Thou? Fain would our eyes behold
Love-lighted courts where veiled seraphs bow;
Where shine the jasper and the burnished gold—
Is there Thy home? If not, where dwellest Thou?
Where dwellest Thou? Here weariness and woe,
Sorrows innumerable, griefs enow!
But where Thou art must there be overflow
Of joys eternal—Lord, where dwellest Thou?