Thee will I praise! Thou all my strength and song!
No longer earthly songs shall foul my lips.
Let potsherds praise the potsherds of the earth,
My praise shall be of Thee.
The world shall hear Thy name,
Thy peerless name, confessed with joyful lips,
Saviour divine! Son of the living God!
Lord of the vast and searchless universe!
Great Son of God, before Thy feet my soul
Bows in the dust, and all her secret springs
Well forth in worship. As I meditate
Upon Thy majesty, omnipotence,
Glory immortal, power, supremacy,
Riches beyond all thought, ere ever Thou
Didst take upon Thyself a servant’s form;
And as I follow Thee from form of God
To form of man, and contemplate the wealth
Of moral excellencies that adorn
Thy sacred person, which are loathed by man
Ravished the heart of God; and when I see
Thee give Thyself, in love unspeakable,
To die my death, to suffer in my stead
The judgment of a sin-detesting God:
When by the Holy Spirit this is brought
Before my mental vision language fails,
And speechless in this holiest of all
I bow and worship.
O all-powerful love!
Love that the many waters could not quench,
Nor floods of wrath immeasurable drown,
Evinced amid Golgotha’s horrors, brought
To light amid the darkness and the doom
Of cross, and curse, and loneliness, and loss,
And gloom, and gall, and God-abandonment,
And rage, and ribald jest, and jeer, and gibe,
And man’s insanity, and hell let loose;
Of such great love my song shall ever be.
Love vast, immortal, infinite, divine,
Love that surpasses knowledge, yet well-known,
And in the Spirit’s power the joy, the boast,
The life, the light, and comfort of my heart!
The love of God, of Christ, the Father’s love!
My portion now! My portion when I meet
My Saviour on the cloud, when He shall come
To bring me to love’s everlasting home.
O for a tongue to tell it, for a voice
Powerful enough to carry it with all
Its precious, life-imparting sweetness to
The utmost limits of the utmost world!