When the Son of Man comes in His glory
With the angels of God in His train,
The heavens shall shake at His presence,
And the wide earth shall tremble again.
At the tread of its mighty Creator
Creation shall quake to the soul,
From their chambers shall leap the red lightnings,
And the thunders shall wrathfully roll.
And His saints shall be voicing
His praises, rejoicing
In holy accord,
And hosts throned in glory
Shall publish His story—
O fear ye the Lord!
O then every eye shall behold Him:
The nation which nailed to the tree
Their thorn-crowned and man-mocked Messiah
Him highly exalted shall see.
Let the blind receive sight for to see Him:
Let the deaf hear His heavenly voice:
Let the proud of heart fall at His footstool
Let the meek in His mercy rejoice.
For His saints shall be voicing
His praises, rejoicing
In lofty accord,
And His marvellous story
Shall resound from the glory—
Exalt ye the Lord!
The heavens which gladly received Him
When the world in its hatred insane,
Led on by the fell fiend infernal,
Derided His title to reign,
Now swing back before Him their portals,
While panoplied potentates bow,
As through the blue dome He descendeth
With diadems bright on His brow.
And celestials are voicing
His praises, rejoicing
In glorious accord,
And His life-giving story
Bursts forth from the glory—
O praise ye the Lord!
Bow the knee in the dust low before Him;
Let stout-hearted warriors quail;
Let the wide world, assembled for judgment
Its scarlet transgressions bewail;
For the Kingdom, the might, and the glory
By right unto Jesus belong.
Woe, woe to the soul who resists Him!
Woe, woe to the workers of wrong!
For His hosts are loud voicing
His praises, rejoicing
In loyal accord,
And His excellent story
Is heard from the glory—
Rejoice in the Lord!
As the sun which disperses the darkness
From hill-top and valley away,
And gladdens the hearts of the weary
With the light and the comfort of day,
So drives He from spirits disheartened
The griefs of the earth sorrow-strawed,
And brings to the heart-broken mortal
The grace and the comforts of God.
And the earth is now voicing
His praises rejoicing
In matchless accord,
While abroad goes His story
Encircled with glory—
Bless the name of the Lord!
Ye mountains, break forth into singing;
Ye storms, let your laughter be heard:
Ye oceans, exult in your gladness,
And firmament framed by His word.
Leap lightnings before your Creator:
Rail, thunders, your welcomes abroad:
Glad heart of blood-ransomed creation
Shout aloud at the presence of God.
For ALL THINGS are now voicing
His praises, rejoicing
In lasting accord,
And His wonderful story
Is crowned by the glory—
O worship the Lord!