We are warned in the Word that in the last days "difficult times" shall come, and we have surely reached them. But along with the forewarning there is given to us that which can thoroughly forearm us, so that we may meet the difficulties courageously. Then how is it that we hear so much discouraging talk about the difficulties as though nothing else could be seen? Is it not a sure but unwitting confession of our own failure and weakness, and does it not prove that we have not understood the meaning of the word "God has not given to us the spirit of cowardice, but of power, and of love, and of wise discretion"? (2 Tim. 1:7).
There stands a five-barred gate, and beyond it a hedge, and behind that a ditch. These would be great difficulties to that old, broken-winded farm horse; he could not face them, urge him as you might. But bring up that well-trained blood hunter, they only serve to show his mettle. He takes them with flashing eye and easy grace, because of the life and spirit within him. Sad that any Christian should be broken-winded and done spiritually, when he might be like the blood hunter in the presence of difficulties. David said: "By my God I have run through a troop, by my God I have leapt over a wall." And we in "difficult times" may be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and so fight the good fight, and keep the faith. Let us wake up to the greatness of our resources.