'Young Men of Scripture.'

Nine addresses to young men.

by W. T. P. Wolston, M.D.,

1911. Seventh Edition. Twenty-second Thousand.


Lecture 1 — The First Young Man — Conquered
Lecture 2 — The Second Man — Conquering
Lecture 3 — Two Leaders with Many Followers
Lecture 4 — Joseph; or, Temptation and triumph
Lecture 5 — Moses; or, Refusing and choosing
Lecture 6 — Jonathan; or, A good start
Lecture 7 — A Young Man of Egypt; or, A change of masters
Lecture 8 — Mephibosheth: or, A good finish
Lecture 9 — A young man named Saul

Preface to Seventh Edition.

Six large editions of this little volume having been exhausted, another is called for, which differs in no respect from its predecessors.

During the past sixteen years, since it first appeared, many cases of happy conversion to the Lord amongst young men, through its pages, have from time to time come to the ears of the author, for which unfeigned thanks are given to God.

The Book is again sent forth with prayerful desire that its pages may continue to be blessed of God to lead young men to decide for Christ as their Saviour, and to help them to yield themselves absolutely to His blessed service.
W. T. P. W.
Edinburgh, 9th January 1911.

Preface to First Edition.

The contents of this little volume consist of a series of addresses to students, and young men generally, delivered in the Operetta House, Edinburgh, during November and December last. Taken down in shorthand, they were revised and published weekly as delivered, and are now, at the desire of many, issued in a permanent form.

They in no wise pretend to be a biographical account of the characters which form their basis. These are only pegs on which to hang some homely truths for young men; and if they be the means of turning any such to know, follow, and serve the Saviour, the author's end will be gained, and God's heart gladdened.

May He who once said to a young man, "Come, take up the cross, and follow me," graciously deign to use these pages to win many a youthful heart for Himself.
W. T. P. W.
46 Charlotte Square,
Edinburgh, 1st March 1894.