Maria De Fleury. Died about 1794.


Julian the hymnologist does not give a great deal of information about M. de Fleury. At one time she lived in 31, Jewin Street, Cripplegate, London. She entered very earnestly into the religious controversies of her day and wrote several works therein including, "Unrighteous Abuses Detected and Chastised, etc. 1781" and "Antinomianism Unmasked, etc. 1791", and others. Many hymn books have her hymns included in them.

Her hymn in 'Spiritual Songs' is no. 19, and is a great favourite in occasions of worship.

Lord Jesus we worship and bow at Thy feet,
And give Thee the glory, the honour that's meet;
While through Thee, O Saviour, our praises ascend
To God and the Father through worlds without end.

The last line has been altered in all the editions of the Little Flock Hymn Book. The present one is the original one of 1856. It is interesting to give the variations:

1856 G.V. Wigram "To God and the Father through worlds without end".

1881 J.N. Darby "And join in the chorus that never shall end".

1898 W. Kelly "We join in thanksgiving that never shall end"

1903 T.H. Reynolds "And swell the loud chorus that never shall end".

1928 W.J. Hocking "And swell the full chorus that never will end".

Hymns by Maria De Fleury