Mrs Hazel Dixon (16th March 1923 to 25th October 2015) is the daughter of a well-known and well-loved couple, Mr & Mrs Tom Davidson who lived in Newcastle upon Tyne. They are now with the Lord. Mrs Davidson was a talented artist. Mrs Dixon inherited some of her mother's talent. She was a gifted pianist and poet. She has written some helpful booklets. She compiled the "Cheering Words" calendar, an interesting but serious service for the readers of the texts and verses in the calendar. She and her husband Spencer, met with the brethren who remember the Lord in Dial Park Hall, Stockport.
Mrs. Dixon's hymn, and verses, in 'Spiritual Songs' are:
186 "Sower Divine send forth Thy word"—
An excellent hymn which is really an expounding of the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13.
217 verse 2 of the hymn "Soldiers of Christ arise, And put your armour on"—
the rest of which is by Charles Wesley.
282 verse 3 of the hymn "Christian seek not yet repose"—
the rest of which is by Charlotte Elliott.