Julian's account is as follows:
Jonathan Evans was born at Coventry in 1748 or 1749. He was the son of a working man, and as a youth was employed in a ribbon manufactory. About 1778, he joined the congregation at Coventry, over which the Rev. G. Burder was pastor. He began preaching at Foleshill, near Coventry in 1782, and in 1795 he began his stated ministry there, retaining the same until his death on Aug. 31st. 1809. Two biographical notices of him appeared in the Evangelical Magazine (Oct. 1809 and Mar. 1847), and also several of his hymns. Two of his hymns appeared in Burder's Collection, 1784, and another in the 2nd. edition of the same year. His best known hymns are, "Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit" and "Hark the voice of love and mercy". He published no poetical work or collection of hymns.
Julian, writing about E. Perronet's well-known hymn "All hail the power of Jesus' Name", refers to J. Evan's hymn. He said that Evan's hymn was an imitation of Perronet's. Here are his words: "It may be worth notice that this hymn is immediately followed by another written in imitation of it and headed the Prince of Peace".
This hymn is no. 133 in 'Spiritual Songs' and has been included in all Little Flock Editions 1856-1978.