Julian's brief account:
W. Yerbury. His "Hymns and Poems for Believers" were published posthumously (so the preface), but without date. One or two hymns therefrom are in the hymnals of the Plymouth Brethren, including the first, "Thy Name we love, Lord Jesus". ("The Name of Jesus").
Yerbury has four hymns in 'Spiritual Songs':
135 We joy in our God, and we sing of that love.
152 Thy Name we love, Lord Jesus;
167 Thy Name we own, Lord Jesus.
393 O Lord, by faith we look above.
These four hymns are often sung in the gatherings of believers gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nos. 135, 152 and 167 are included in all the editions from 1856 to 1978. No. 393 was first included in 1894, repealed in 1928 and included in 1978.