Evangelist's Hymnal

— (extra: section 11)

Hymns surplus to requirements of the 'New Evangelist's Hymnal.'

Hymn    1 A pilgrim was I, and a wand'ring
Hymn    2 Come, weary soul! 'tis Jesus calls you
Hymn    3 COME let us sing of a wonderful love
Hymn    4 COME unto Me and I will give you rest
Hymn    5 COME unto Me — 'tis the voice of the Saviour
Hymn    6 DOST thou feel the heavy burden
Hymn    7 DOWN from the glory came God's blessed Son
Hymn    8 FOR God so loved this sinful world
Hymn    9 FREE from the law, oh, happy condition!
Hymn   10 GOD has proved His love to sinners poor and lost
Hymn   11 GOD is sending out the message
Hymn   12 HAVE you heard the voice of Jesus
Hymn   13 HO, ev'ry one that thirsteth, come
Hymn   14 How matchless is God's wondrous love!
Hymn   15 How wondrous a Saviour is God's blessed Son!
Hymn   16 IF I gained the world, but lost the Saviour
Hymn   17 IT is the blood, Christ's precious blood
Hymn   18 I'VE found a friend who is all to me
Hymn   19 I'VE wandered far away from God
Hymn   20 JESUS is a glorious Saviour
Hymn   21 Jesus lingers still—'tis for you He waits
Hymn   22 JESUS, my Saviour, come I to Thee
Hymn   23 Little thought Samaria's daughter
Hymn   24 LOVING Saviour, Thou art calling
Hymn   25 MY song is love unknown
Hymn   26 NOR silver nor gold has obtained my redemption
Hymn   27 NOW that wondrous, living story
Hymn   28 Oh! heart of God, told out in wondrous love
Hymn   29 Oh, lost one, in the wilds of sin
Hymn   30 On Calvary's brow my Saviour died
Hymn   31 ONCE from glory's height descending
Hymn   32 RESCUED when perishing
Hymn   33 SEEKING the lost, yes kindly entreating
Hymn   34 THAT grand word "Whosoever"
Hymn   35 THE Bible tells us Jesus came
Hymn   36 THERE is a stream of precious blood
Hymn   37 THERE is a wondrous story
Hymn   38 THERE is mercy for all
Hymn   39 THERE was one who was willing to die in my stead
Hymn   40 THEY nailed my Lord upon the tree
Hymn   41 THOUGH your sins be as scarlet
Hymn   42 THROW out the life-line
Hymn   43 THY works, not mine, O Christ
Hymn   44 TO-DAY Thy mercy calls us
Hymn   45 WONDERFUL love that rescued me
Hymn   46 YEARS I spent in vanity and pride
Hymn   47 YES mercy's gate stands open wide
Hymn   48 YET there is room!
Hymn   49 SEEK now the precious Saviour
Hymn   50 ALL hail the power of Jesu’s name!
Hymn   51 COME unto Me—’tis the voice of the Saviour
Hymn   52 HO! every one that is thirsty in spirit
Hymn   53 BEHOLD the Lamb for sinners slain
Hymn   54 BEHOLD the Lamb! 'Tis HE who bore
Hymn   55 BEHOLD the Man upon the Throne!
Hymn   56 BLESSED Lord, our hallelujahs
Hymn   57 CHARMING is the gospel story
Hymn   59 COME unto Me, the Saviour saith
Hymn   60 COME, weary soul! 'tis Jesus calls you
Hymn   61 COME, ye that love the Lord
Hymn   62 DYING with Jesus, by death reckoned mine
Hymn   63 FOR God so loved the world
Hymn   64 FROM the palace of His glory
Hymn   65 GLORY to God on high!
Hymn   66 HALLELUJAH! Christ hath conquered
Hymn   67 I hear the words of love
Hymn   68 I need Thee, precious Jesus!
Hymn   69 I thank Thee, O my gracious God
Hymn   70 IF I could find the oldest heart
Hymn   71 JESUS! O name of power divine
Hymn   72 JESUS, our life, is risen
Hymn   73 JESUS, spotless Son of God
Hymn   74 JESUS, the Lord is risen
Hymn   75 JESUS, Thy blood and righteousness
Hymn   76 JOIN all the glorious names
Hymn   77 MIDST the darkness, storm, and sorrow
Hymn   78 MY sins have been cast in the depths of the sea
Hymn   79 My song shall be of Jesus!
Hymn   80 NAME of Jesus! highest name!
Hymn   81 O God, our hearts are lifted
Hymn   82 Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I
Hymn   83 O Saviour, precious Saviour
Hymn   84 ON earth the song begins
Hymn   85 ONE there is above all others
Hymn   86 "RICH in mercy," Jesus died
Hymn   87 SALVATION! Oh, the joyful sound
Hymn   88 SAVED for glory! yes for glory
Hymn   89 SAVIOUR, blessed Saviour
Hymn   90 SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, and put your armour on
Hymn   91 THE blessed Saviour, as He trod
Hymn   92 THE cross it standeth fast
Hymn   93 THE Holy Lamb has died
Hymn   94 THE sprinkled blood is speaking
Hymn   95 THERE is a fountain filled with blood
Hymn   96 CALLED from above, and heavenly men by birth
Hymn   97 WE adore Thee evermore, Hallelujah!
Hymn   98 WE are by Christ redeemed
Hymn   99 WELL may we sing! with triumph sing
Hymn 100 WHEN we walk with the Lord
Hymn 101 YE servants of God, your Master proclaim
Hymn 102 CHRIST the Lord is risen indeed, Hallelujah

A pilgrim was I, and a wand'ring,
In the cold night of sin I did roam,
When Jesus the kind Shepherd found me,
And now I am on my way home.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.

2 He restoreth my soul when I'm weary
He giveth me strength day by day
He leads me beside the still waters
He guards me each step of the way.
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever,
And I will feast at the table spread for me
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.

1 Come, weary soul! 'tis Jesus calls you
To His wounded side;
"Come to Me," says He, "and ever
Safe abide."

2 Seeking Jesus? Jesus seeks you —
Seeks to draw you near;
He is knocking, ever knocking,
Won't you hear?

3 Only trust Him, He will save you —
Make you all His own;
Guide you, keep you, take you safely
To His home.

4 Will you still refuse His mercy?
Will you say Him nay?
Will you let Him, grieved, rejected,
Go away?

5 Do you feel your life is weary?
Is your soul distressed?
Take salvation, wait no longer;
Be at rest. 10
COME let us sing of a wonderful love,
Tender and true;
Streaming to me and to you:
Wonderful love
Dwells in the heart of the Father above.

2 Jesus, the Saviour, this gospel to tell,
Joyfully came;
Came with the helpless and hopeless to dwell,
Sharing their sorrow and shame;
Seeking the lost,
Saving, redeeming at measureless cost.

3. Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet;
Why do they roam?
Love only waits to forgive and forget;
Home! weary wanderer, home!
Wonderful love
Dwells in the heart of the Father above.

4 Come to my heart, O Thou wonderful love
Come and abide,
Lifting my life till it rises above
Envy and falsehood and pride;
Seeking to be
Lowly and humble, a learner of Thee.

"COME unto Me and I will give you rest;"
What blessed words to weary ones addressed!
They come from Him who knew the depth of woe,
And felt for sinners as none here below.

"Come unto Me! oh come unto Me!
Come unto Me and I will give you rest,
I will give you rest, I will give you rest."

2.  "Come unto Me;" yes, come in all your sin!
Through Jesus blood the vile may enter in,
May come to God, who knows their guilt and need,
Assured the blood was shed for them indeed.

3 "Come unto Me!" the blessed Son of God
Thus told on earth in every step He trod,
The heart of Him who is in nature love,
And is beseeching men that love to prove.

4 "Come unto Me!" yes, God Himself says "Come!"
He sees afar and runs to welcome home
Unworthy sinners, who have nought to plead
But God's own love, and their exceeding need.

5. "Come unto Me!" oh, blessed open door!
For those who but for Christ had hooped no more:
Oh, love of God! told out in full extent,
When Jesus to those depths of darkness went.

6. "Come unto Me;" thus Christ the risen Lord
Now speaks from glory through the written Word;
As Victor now He can with triumph shout,
"Whoever comes to Me I'll not cast out!"

COME unto Me — 'tis the voice of the Saviour
Calling the weary, Come now and be blessed;
Come with your burden, your sin and your sorrow;
Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.

Chorus: Come unto Me, come unto Me,
Come unto Me! and I will give you rest,

2. All is unrest in the sad world around you;
Say, is your spirit not restless within?
Come, broken-hearted one, see how the Saviour
Waits still in mercy to cleanse you from sin.

3. Now is the time that God gives you to trust Him,
Now the acceptable year of the Lord;
Come in your poverty — blind, bruised and sinful —
Come in repentance, believing His word.

4. Why remain captive in sin's awful bondage,
When full deliverance in Christ you may know?
Would you find rest 'neath the blood shed to save you,
Or, to a Christless eternity go?

5. Fountain of grace opened wide to the needy;
Well-spring of joy for the broken in heart;
Garment of praise for the heavy in spirit;
Blessed Redeemer, how precious Thou art.

DOST thou feel the heavy burden
Of a life spent far from God?
Is the future dark before thee,
With the terror of the Lord?

Oh ! He longs to make thee whole,
He will save . . . thy sin-sick soul
Sinner trust . . . oh! trust in Jesus,
At His feet thy burden roll.

2. Fly, O lost one, unto Jesus—
Now is God's salvation day—
Tenderly He will receive thee,
None who come are turned away.

3. From the haunts of care and sorrow,
From the galling yoke of sin;
Turn, O sinner, unto Jesus,
He will surely take you in

4. For thy sake He bore the sorrow,
For thy sake His life He gave;
Now He seeks in tender pity,
Thy immortal soul to save.

5. He will save thee from the judgment
Soon to sweep this world of guilt;
He will wash thy soul and heal thee,
'Twas for this His blood was spilt.
DOWN from the glory came God's blessed Son,
Lost ones to save, lost ones to save;
Went into death and the victory won,
Triumphant rose from the grave:
Mighty to save! mighty to save!
Now in the glory He's able and willing to save.

2. Sin's bitter judgment He bore on the tree,
Dying to save, dying to save:
So that the sinner might justly go free,
His precious blood Jesus gave:
Sinners to save! sinners to save!
Now He is righteously able the guilty to save.

3 Sinner, God bids you on Jesus believe,
Now while you may, now while you may;
Peace and salvation through Him you'll receive;
Do not, O do not delay:
Haste thee away! haste thee away!
Infinite love waits to welcome the sinner to-day.

FOR God so loved this sinful world,
His Son He freely gave,
That whosoever would believe,
Eternal life should have.

'Tis true, o yes, 'Tis true,
God's wonderful promise is true;
For I've trusted, and tested, and tried it,
And I know God's promise is true.

2 I was a wayward wand'ring child,
A slave to sin and fear,
Until this blessed promise fell
Like music on my ear.

3 The "Whosoever" of the Lord,
I trusted was for me;
I took Him at His gracious word,
From sin to set me free.

4 Eternal life begun below
Now fills my heart and soul;
I'll sing His praise for evermore,
Who has redeemed my soul.

FREE from the law, oh, happy condition!
Jesus has bled, and there is remission!
Cursed by the law, and bruised by the fall,
Christ hath redeemed us, once for all.

Once for all, O sinner, receive it;
Once for all, O brother, believe it;
Trust in the Lord, the burden will fall,
Christ hath redeemed us, once for all.

2 Now are we free—there's no condemnation,
Jesus provides a perfect salvation;
"Come unto Me" — oh, hear His sweet call,
Come, for He saves us, once for all.

3 "Children of God!" oh, glorious calling!
Surely His grace will keep us from falling,
Passing from death to life at His call,
Blessed salvation, once for all.

4 Soon He will come, the saints shall be raised,
We, who remain alive, shall be changed;
Then all, caught up, at His blessed call,
Changed to His likeness, once for all.

GOD has proved His love to sinners poor and lost,
By the gift of His own Son;
Now salvation's free— procured at highest cost—
For the sinner, lost, undone.

Trust Him now, Trust Him now,
He sits on high upon the throne,
And before His face all the ransomed race,
Glory in His Name alone.

2 Yes, the precious blood that flowed from Jesus' side
Cleanseth every sin away;
And the soul that trusts that cleansing crimson tide,
May forgiveness know to day.

3. For in heav'n the Saviour sits in glory bright—
Proof that all the work is done
God is satisfied—oh ! blessed, wondrous sight
And we know the victory's won

4. Now redeemed from Satan's pow'r, and sin and death,
Through the work of Christ alone,
I would praise His Name with every fleeting breath,
And His saving grace make known.

1 GOD is sending out the message
Of His wondrous love and grace,
Sends it from the highest glory,
Radiant in the Saviour's face.
O this precious light is telling
God's full favour now to man;
From the glory it is streaming —
Ne'er such news since time began!

2 God has full delight in Jesus,
Brightest glory He has won;
He has died, and through His dying
All God's pleasure will be done.
O what blessing in believing
In the One who came to die,
And the glorious light receiving
Of God's Son enthroned on high!

3 God has given all to Jesus,
All shall prosper in His hand;
Every knee shall bow to Jesus,
All obey God's blest command.
Come, then, trust this peerless Saviour,
Prove the glory of His grace;
Live for ever in God's favour
As it shines in Jesu's face!

GH 183
HAVE you heard the voice of Jesus
Softly pleading with your heart?
Have you felt His presence glorious,
As He calls your soul apart,
With a love so true and loyal,
Love divine that ever flows
From a Saviour, righteous, royal,
And a cross that mercy shows.

2. Have you heard the voice of mercy
Granting peace and pardon pure?
Have you felt the balm of Calvary
Binding all your wounds secure?
Was there ever such salvation,
Was there ever care like this?
See the Saviour's grief and passion,
Grace and mercy's tender kiss.

3.Have you heard the Saviour calling
All to leave and follow Him?
Have you felt His Person drawing
With compulsion lives to win?
Hearken to His invitation,
To the music of God's grace;
Let the peace of God's salvation
Fill your soul and love embrace.

GT 49
HO, ev'ry one that thirsteth, come ye
To the living waters free,
Come! drink, for God Himself invites you,

2 The Son He sent for us to suffer,
All our sins to put away
The work is done, and done for ever
Hear the joyful Gospel say.

3. Eternity with Christ the Saviour,
Would you miss this happy home?
Away from God the Father's favour,
Will you choose that dreadful doom?

4 What boundless love so many drawing
To our Saviour, Christ the Lord,
Rivers of gospel grace are flowing,
Through His Spirit and His Word.

5 Oh! gladsome day when light is breaking,
For the souls once dark in sin,
The Shepherd on His shoulders taking
Wand'ring sheep He came to win.

GT 50
How matchless is God's wondrous love!
He gave His Son from Heav'n above,
That none should perish who believe,
But everlasting life receive.

It was for me; it was for me,
The Saviour died on Calvary
Salvation full for me to win,
God's "Whosoever" takes me in.

2. Herein is love, 'tis love indeed;
A love that meeets our deepest need,
A love that passes human thought,
He loved us when we loved Him not.

3. To sinners lost, our God commends
His perfect love, which never ends;
The death of Christ that love has shown;
Was love so wondrous ever known?

4. His love dismisses all our fear,
And to Himself He brings us near;
The Father's house we soon shall see,
To dwell in love eternally.

GT 55  11's
How wondrous a Saviour is God's blessed Son!
How great and eternal the work He has done!
God's glory maintained by His death on the tree,
While mercy flows freely to you and to me.

2. How free is the pardon His blood has procured!
How great the salvation His name has ensured!
How blessed the welcome His grace doth accord!
To all who confess Him their Saviour and Lord!

3 Oh! why remain distant, when God calls you near,
In love that dismisses all bondage and fear?
Oh! why remain Christless, when you may be blest?
Oh! why remain weary, when Christ giveth rest?

4. The moments are fleeting; then make no delay,
Secure God's salvation while still 'tis to-day;
Eternity's ages your soul has to face—
In blackness of darkness, or riches of grace.

1 IF I gained the world, but lost the Saviour,
Were my life worth living for a day?
Could my yearning heart find rest and comfort
In the things that soon must pass away?
If I gained the world, but lost the Saviour,
Would my gain be worth the lifelong strife?
Are all earthly pleasures worth comparing
For a moment with a Christ-filled life?

2 Had I wealth and love in fullest measure,
And a name revered both far and near,
Yet no hope beyond, no harbour waiting,
Where my storm tossed vessel I could steer,
If I gained the world, but lost the Saviour,
Who endured the cross and died for me,
Could then all the world afford a refuge,
Whither, in my anguish, I might flee?

3 Oh,what emptiness! — without the Saviour,
'Mid the sins and sorrows here below!
And eternity, how dark without Him! —
Only night and tears and endless woe!
What, though I might live without the Saviour,
When I come to die, how would it be?
O to face the valley's gloom without Him!
And without Him all eternity!

4 Oh,the joy of having all in Jesus!
What a balm the broken heart to heal!
Ne'er a sin so great, but He'll forgive it,
Nor a sorrow that He does not feel!
If I have but Jesus, only Jesus, —
Nothing else in all the world beside —
Oh,then ev'rything is mine in Jesus;
For my needs and more He will provide.

1 IT is the blood, Christ's precious blood
Which has atonement made;
It is His blood which once for all
Our ransom price has paid.

2 It was the blood, the mark of blood,
That Israel's houses bore;
And when that mark by God was seen,
His angel passed the door.

3 Not water then, nor water now,
Has ever saved a soul;
Not Jewish rites, but Jesu's stripes,
Can make the wounded whole.

4. "I see the blood, I see the blood,"
A voice from heaven cries;
The soul that owns this token true,
And trusts it, never dies.

5. For He who suffered "once for all"
"Eternal life" doth give;
Because He died we never die,
Because He lives we live!

AH 399
I'VE found a friend who is all to me,
His love is ever true;
I love to tell how He lifted me,
And what His grace can do for you.

Saved . . . by His power divine!
Saved . . . to new life sublime!
Life now is sweet and my joy is complete,
For I'm saved, saved, saved!

2. He saves me from ev'ry sin and harm,
Secures my soul each day;
I'm leaning strong on His mighty arm;
I know He'll guide me all the way.

3. When poor and needy and all alone,
In love He said to me,
"Come unto Me, I will lead you home,
To live with Me eternally."

SS&S 471
I'VE wandered far away from God:
Now I'm coming home:
The paths of sin too long I've trod:
Lord I'm coming home.

2. I've wasted many precious years:
Now I'm coming home:
I now repent with bitter tears:
Lord I'm coming home.

3. I'm tired of sin and straying, Lord:
Now I'm coming home:
I'll trust Thy love, believe Thy word:
Lord I'm coming home.

4. My soul is sick, my heart is sore:
Now I'm coming home:
My strength renew, my hope restore:
Lord I'm coming home.

SH 120
JESUS is a glorious Saviour,
Theme of heav'n's eternal song;
Peace He offers you, and pardon,
Will you now to Him belong?

2 Is your heart oppressed with sorrow
In this world where death is rife?
One who knows, and understands you,
Bids you come — in Him is life.

3 He would turn you from sin's pleasures,
Where no lasting joy is found;
Set before you hidden treasures,
Grace that would to you abound.

4 Ere your heart commenced its beating,
Or your eyes beheld the light,
Love divine for man was planning
Happiness in glory bright.

5. Even though your sins condemn you,
Graver still your sinful state;
He who knows it died to save you,
Bore sin's load in all its weight.

6 Now He lives a Man in heaven,
Glory-crowned at God's right hand;
Waiting now to save and bless you,
Wide outstretched His gracious hand.

GT 75
Jesus lingers still—'tis for you He waits,
And He's waited for you long,
He waits that heaven with its fadeless joy
May yet to you belong.

Come and welcome, whosoever will,
'Tis the Saviour's gracious call.
He is able, willing, waiting now to save,
Simply trust Him that is all.

2. Though your wayward feet have wandered far,
And you've deeply sunk in sin,
Yet the Saviour waits in patient grace
Your stony heart to win.

3 Though His gracious call you have oft refused,
And He's sought your trust in vain,
Yet, with love unchanged by cold neglect,
He is seeking you again.

4 Oh! surrender now, yield to love divine,
Jesus lingers for you still,
While in grace He says, "Oh! come to Me,"
Let your answer be, "I will."

GT 78
JESUS, my Saviour, come I to Thee
Take me, oh! take me, Thine ever to be;
Guilty and helpless, this is my plea,
That Thou hast suffered for sinners like me.

2 Nothing I bring as price for my sin,
Thy blood alone my redemption doth win;
This is my hope, none other I know,
Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

3 Jesus, my Saviour, to Thee I yield,
Henceforth to own Thee my Lord and my shield;
Keep me, oh ! keep me, close to Thy side,
There shall I safely for ever abide.

SH 133
Little thought Samaria's daughter,
On that ne'er-forgotten day,
That the tender Shepherd sought her
As a sheep astray;
That from sin He longed to win her —
Knowing more than she could tell
Of the wretchedness within her,
Waiting at the well.

Hear, oh, hear the wondrous story!
Let the winds and waters tell —
'Tis the Christ, the Lord of glory,
Waiting at the well.

2 'Neath the stately palm-tree swaying,
Listened she to words of truth:
While each thought was backward straying
O'er her wasted youth.
Hastening homeward, with desire
All His wondrous speech to tell,
Asked she, "Is not this Messiah
Waiting at the well?"

3 Living waters still are flowing,
Full and free for all mankind,
Blessings sweet on all bestowing;
All a welcome find.
All the world may come and prove Him;
Every doubt will Christ dispel,
When each heart shall truly love Him,
Waiting at the well.

GH 148
LOVING Saviour, Thou art calling
Sinners to Thyself today;
They have wandered from the shelter
Of Thy fold and gone astray.
Bring them back to peace and safety;
May they hear Thy loving call;
Thou art waiting to receive them,
Draw each one, receive them all.

2 Loving Saviour, I am coming,
Bringing all my sins to Thee;
As I am, in shame and sorrow,
Lord, receive and rescue me.
At the cross I lay my burden,
Lowly at Thy feet I bow;
I no longer doubt and grieve Thee,
Cleanse my heart: Lord, save me now!

3 Loving Saviour, Thou art pleading
For my heart, my life, my all;
Long without I've kept Thee waiting,
Now I open at Thy call.
Come Thou in, take full possession,
Consecrated it shall be;
Take my life, direct and use it,
I will live it all for Thee !

4 Glorious Saviour, Thou art coming,
Bright the hope within my heart;
Keep me ever watching for Thee,
Till I see Thee as Thou art:
Then with all Thine own united,
Ransomed by Thy matchless grace,
I shall join the song eternal
Saviour, in Thy worthy praise.

GH 100
MY song is love unknown,
My Saviour's love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
That they might lovely be.
O who am I,
That for my sake
My Lord should take
Frail flesh, and die?

2 He came from His blest throne
Salvation to bestow;
But men made strange, and none
The longed-for Christ would know:
But O! my Friend,
My Friend indeed,
Who at my need
His life did spend.

3 Sometimes they strew His way,
And His sweet praises sing;
Resounding all the day
Hosannas to their King:
Then "Crucify !"
Is all their breath,
And for His death
They thirst and cry.

4 In life, no house, no home
My Lord on earth might have,
In death, no friendly tomb,
But what a stranger gave.
What may I say?
Heaven was His home;
But mine the tomb
Wherein He lay.

5 Here might I stay and sing,
No story so divine;
Never was love, dear King!
Never was grief like Thine.
This is my Friend,
In Whose sweet praise
I all my days
Could gladly spend.

SH 148
NOR silver nor gold has obtained my redemption
No riches of earth could have saved my poor soul;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Saviour now makes me quite whole.

I am redeemed,...but not with silver,...
I am bought,...but not with gold;...
Bought with a price,...the blood of Jesus,...
Precious price of love untold.

2 Nor silver nor gold has obtained my redemption,
The guilt on my conscience too heavy had grown;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Saviour could only atone.

3 Nor silver nor gold has obtained my redemption;
The holy commandment forbade me draw near;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Saviour removeth my fear.

4 Nor silver nor gold has obtained my redemption,
The way into heaven could not thus be bought;
The blood of the cross is my only foundation,
The death of my Saviour redemption has wrought.

SH 152
NOW that wondrous, living story
Would our lips delight to tell:
How the Lord of life and glory
Came in love with men to dwell.

2 How, in deep, divine compassion,
Once He sat on Sychar's well;
Here as Man in form and fashion —
God came down with men to dwell!

3 As the Lamb of God He suffered
For your sins He knew so well;
On the cross Himself He offered
That you might in heaven dwell.

4 Come to Him! His heart so tender,
And His grace would you compel;
Yield to him in full surrender,
And with Him for ever dwell.

5 Living water He would give you;
Satisfied, your praise shall swell
To the God who gives so freely,
Who would have you with Him dwell.

GT 122
Oh! heart of God, told out in wondrous love
So full and free,
W hen Jesus stooped from glory's heights above
To Calvary's tree
Ohl let that love in all its power and strength,
So speak that rebel hearts be won at length.

2. Oh! love of Christ, so measureless and vast,
Salvation's won,
Which led to calvary's gloom, until at last
The work was done.
Oh, let that love in all its righteous power,
To troubled hearts bring peace this very hour.

3. Oh! matchless is the story of God's love,
Surpassing thought,
Written by Jesus in His precious blood,
Which pardon bought,
And even now forgiveness yours may be,
Through faith in Him who died upon the tree.

AH 401
Oh, lost one, in the wilds of sin,
So long from God away,
Before you lies an open path,
Where you can walk to-day.

For if you shall confess the Lord, . . .
And in your heart believe . . .
His word is sure, it stands secure, . . .
'You shall be saved . . . you shall be saved.'

2. So many roads across the marsh
But lead to vales of night;
This one, 'the true and living way,'
Ends in the fadeless light.

3. How many paths at first seem fair
That lead to loss and pain;
This one yields comfort all the way,
The end eternal gain.

GH 268
On Calvary's brow my Saviour died,
'Twas there my Lord was crucified;
'Twas on the Cross He bled for me,
And purchased there my pardon free.

O Calvary! dark Calvary!
Where Jesus shed His blood for me,
O Calvary! blest Calvary!
Twas there my Saviour died for me.

2 'Mid rending rocks and darkening skies,
My Saviour bows His head and dies;
The opening veil reveals the way
To heaven's joys and endless day.

3 O Jesus, Lord, how can it be,
That Thou shouldst give Thy life for me,
To bear the Cross and agony
In that dread hour on Calvary!

SH 176
ONCE from glory's height descending,
To this earth the Saviour came;
Here in grace His pathway wending,
Here He magnified God's name.
Lowly Saviour!
We would still His grace proclaim.

2 On to Calvary's shame and suffering,
He to death the path did tread;
There for sin the perfect Off'ring,
On the cross His blood was shed.
Wondrous Saviour!
Dying in the sinner's stead.

3 Out from death, His work completed,
Burst the portals of the grave;
High at God's right hand now seated,
He can e'en the vilest save.
Glorious Saviour!
'Twas in love His all He gave.

4 Still He waits in grace transcending,
He for you has tarried long;
Bids you share in joys unending,
Join e'en now in heav'n's blest song.
Worthy Saviour!
Theme of all the ransomed throng.

SH 190
l RESCUED when perishing,
Cared for when dying,
Snatched as a brand from hell's fierce burning wave;
Sought for an erring one,
Raised up when fallen,
Praise be to Jesus, the "Mighty to Save."

Rescued when perishing,
Cared for when dying —
Justified, pardoned, eternally saved.

2 Long I lived slighting Him,
Still He stood waiting,
Waiting my sin-burdened soul to relieve;
Pleading so lovingly,
Saying so gently,
Look to Me, weary one, only believe.

3 Down in my sinful heart,
Crushed by the tempter,
No good thing dwells there that grace can restore;
But in my Saviour's heart,
Brimful of kindness,
Chords of compassion vibrate evermore.

4 Praising, not perishing,
No dread of dying,
Life everlasting in Christ, God has given;
Walking the narrow way,
Patiently waiting,
Waiting for Jesus to take me to heaven.

SH 197
SEEKING the lost, yes kindly entreating
Wanderers on the mountain astray;
"Come unto Me," His message repeating,
Words of the Master speaking today.

Going afar..... upon the mountain,
Bringing the wand'rer back again,
Into the fold... of my Redeemer,
Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain.

2 Seeking the lost, and pointing to Jesus,
Souls that are weak and hearts that are sore,
Leading them forth in ways of salvation,
Showing the path to life evermore.

3 Thus I would go on missions of mercy,
Following Christ from day unto day;
Cheering the faint, and raising the fallen,
Pointing the lost to Jesus, the Way.

GT 161
THAT grand word "Whosoever" is ringing through my soul,
Whosoever will may come;
In rivers of salvation the living waters roll,
Whosoever will may come.

Oh! that "Who-so-ever!"
Whosoever will may come;
The Saviour's invitation is freely sounding still,
Whosoever will may come.

2. Whenever this sweet message in God's own Word I see,
Whosoever will may come;
I know 'tis meant for sinners, I know 'tis meant for me,
Whosoever will may come.

3. I heard the loving message and now to others say,
Whosoever will may come;
Seek now the precious Saviour, and He'll be yours to day,
Whosoever will may come.

4. To God be all the glory! His only Son He gave,
Whosoever will may come;
And those who come believing, He'll to the utmost save,
Whosoever will may come.

SH 209
THE Bible tells us Jesus came
From glory bright and fair —
God's perfect, sinless, spotless Lamb,
His mercy to declare.

2 The Bible tells us Jesus died,
A sacrifice for sin,
The gates of heaven to open wide,
That we may enter in.

3 The Bible tells us Jesus rose,
And left the silent grave,
Triumphant over all His foes,
The mighty One to save.

4 The Bible tells us He will come,
And take His saints away,
To dwell with Him in His sweet home
Through everlasting day.

5 The Bible tells us He will reign
O'er all the earth, e'er long,
When heaven and earth shall wake the strain
Of one eternal song.

6 The Bible tells us all may come
And drink at mercy's stream;
That Jesus soon will share His home
With all who trust in Him.

GT 179
THERE is a stream of precious blood,
Which flowed from Jesus' veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

2 The dying thief rejoiced to see
That Saviour in His day,
And by that blood, though vile as he,
My sins are washed away

3 Blest Lamb of God, Thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power,
Till all the ransomed Church of God
Be saved to sin no more.

4 Soon, in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing Thy power to save'
No more with lisping, stammering tongue,
But conqueror o'er the grave.

5 Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared—
Unworthy though I be
For me a blood-bought, free reward
A harp of God for me,

6 'Tis strung and tuned for endless years,
And formed by power divine,
To sound in God the Father's ears
No other name but Thine.

GH 236
THERE is a wondrous story
That often has been told,
So full of grace and glory,
So new and yet so old.
And now again we tell it,
So rich, so full, so free;
And hosts unnumbered swell it
Throughout eternity.

2 He who was rich in glory
Came down to earth below
In love, O wondrous story!
To lowest depths did go.
Jesus, the spotless Victim,
Died there upon the tree,
That we might know God's favour,
From judgment ever free.

3 How dark that night of sorrow
Through which the Saviour passed!
And deep the stormy waters,
And fierce the tempest blast;
But O the mighty Saviour,
Victorious o'er the grave,
Has ris'n in glorious power,
And lives the lost to save.

4 The darkness all is ended,
That night for ever past;
To God's right hand ascended,
He'll come again at last,
To call His ransomed people
To yonder glory bright—
Made like to His own image,
To dwell with Him in light.

GT 182
THERE is mercy for all,
Who on Jesus will call,
As a Saviour from bondage and sin;
He the wand'rer will seek;
He can rescue the weak,
And the heart of the hardest can win.

Mercy for you! righteously free!
Such wealth of compassion for thee!
Trust without doubt, He'll not cast you out,
For ever "His own" you shall be.

2. On the broad downward road,
Under sin's heavy load,
We were far from the way that is right;
Yet He stooped from above,
In the might ofis love,
Unto death in the darkness of night.

3 Now the shadows have fled,
And as raised from the dead,
He can life and forgiveness impart
Unto all who believe,
And just simply receive
Him as Saviour and Lord in the heart

4. Oh! then trust Him today,
Do not longer delay,
But just come in submission and faith;
He will save you this hour,
From your sins' awful power,
And will put them away by His death.

SH 236
THERE was one who was willing to die in my stead,
That a soul so unworthy might live;
And the path to the cross He was willing to tread,
All the sins of my life to forgive.

They are nailed to the cross,
They are nailed to the cross,
O how much he was willing to bear!
With what anguish and loss Jesus went to the cross!
But He carried my sins with Him there.

2 He is tender and loving and patient with me,
While He cleanses my heart of the dross;
But "there's no condemnation" — I know I am free,
For my sins are all nailed to the cross.

3 I will cling to my Saviour and never depart
I will joyfully journey each day,
With a song on my lips and, a song in my heart,
That my sins have been taken away.

SH 237
1 THEY nailed my Lord upon the tree
And left Him, dying, there:
Through love He suffered there for me;
'Twas love beyond compare.

Crucified! crucified!
And nailed upon the tree!
With pierced hands and feet and side!
For you!...For me!

2 Upon His head a crown of thorns,
Upon His heart my shame;
For me He prayed, for me He died,
And, dying, took my blame .

3 "Forgive them, O forgive!" He cried
Then bowed His sacred head,
O Lamb of God! my sacrifice!
For me Thy blood was shed.

4 His voice I hear, His love I know;
I worship at His feet;
And kneeling there, at Calv'ry's cross,
Redemption is complete.

AH 220
THOUGH your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they be red, . . like crimson,
They shall be as wool:

Though your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow."

Hear the voice that entreats you,
Oh, return ye unto God!
He is of great . . compassion,
And of wondrous love;

He'll forgive your transgressions
And remember them no more;
'Look unto Me, . . ye people,'
Saith the Lord your God;

He can save to the utmost
Them that come to God by Him;
Seeing He lives for ever,
And He pleads for us,

Unto Him who hath loved us,
And hath washed us from our sins;
Glory to Him and honour
Through Eternity.

AH 94
THROW out the life-line across the dark wave,
There is a brother whom someone should save:
Somebody's brother! oh who then will dare
To throw out the life-line his peril to share?

Throw out the life-line!
Throw out the life-line!
Some one is drifting away;
Throw out the life-line!
Throw out the life-line!
Some one is sinking to-day.

2. Throw out the life-line with hand quick and strong;
Why do you tarry, why linger so long?
See! He is sinking, oh hasten to-day—
And out with the life-boat! away, then, away!

3. Throw out the life-line to danger-fraught men,
Sinking in anguish where you've never been;
Winds of temptation and billows of woe
Will soon hurl them back where the dark waters flow.

4. Soon will the season of rescue be o'er,
Soon will they drift to eternity's shore,
Haste then, my brother, no longer delay,
But throw out the life-line and save them to-day.

EH 427
THY works, not mine, O Christ,
Speak gladness to this heart;
They tell me all is done,
They bid my fear depart.

To whom save Thee,
Who can alone
For sin atone,
Lord, shall flee?

2. Thy pains, not mine, O Christ,
Upon the shameful tree
Have paid redemption's price
And purchased peace for me.

3. Thy wounds, not mine, O Christ,
Can heal my bruised soul;
Thy stripes, not mine, contain
The balm that makes me whole.

4. Thy cross, not mine, O Christ,
Has borne the awful lead
Of sins, that none in heaven
Or earth, could bear but God.

5. Thy death, not mine, O Christ,
Has paid the ransom due;
Ten thousand deaths like mine
Would have been all too few.

GH 222 16.16.D
TO-DAY Thy mercy calls us
To wash away our sin,
However great our trespass,
Whatever we have been
However long from mercy
Our hearts have turned away,
Thy precious blood can cleanse us
And make us white to day.

To day Thy gate is open,
And all who enter in
Shall find a Father's welcome,
And pardon for their sin.
The past shall be forgotten,
A present joy be given,
A future grace be promised,
A glorious crown in heaven.

3 Oh,all-embracing mercy!
Oh, ever open door!
What should we do without thee
When heart and eye run o'er?
When all things seem against us,
To drive us to despair,
We know one gate is open,
One ear will hear our prayer!

LH 37
WONDERFUL love that rescued me,
Sunk deep in sin,
Guilty and vile as I could be—
No hope within;
When ev'ry ray of light had fled,
O glorious day!
Raising my soul from out the dead,
Love found a way.

Love found a way to redeem my soul,
Love found a way that could make me whole;
Love sent my Lord to the cross of shame,
Love found a way—
O praise His holy name!

2 Love brought my Saviour here to die
On Calvary,
For such a sinful wretch as I—
How can it be?
Love bridged the gap 'twixt me and heav'n,
Taught me to pray;
I am redeemed, set free, forgiv'n—
Love found a way.

3 Love opened wide the gates of light
To heav'n's domain,
Where in eternal power and might
Jesus shall reign;
Love lifted me from the depths of woe
To endless day;
There was no help in earth below—
Love found a way.

Red 773
YEARS I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified;
Knowing not it was for me He died
On Calvary.

Mercy there was great and grace was free,
Pardon there was multiplied to me,
There my burdened heart found liberty,
At Calvary.

2. By God's Word at last my sin I learned,
Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring, turned
To Calvary

3. Now I've given to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing
Of Calvary.

4. Oh! the love that drew salvation's plan,
Oh! the grace that brought it down to man,
Oh! the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary.

EH 496
YES mercy's gate stands open wide,
And through its pearl-like portal
The old and young from every side
Press into bliss immortal

Oh, love unbounded, grace how free,
That gate stands open wide for thee!
For thee, for thee!
Still open stands for thee!

2. Come, all who feel the load of Sin
The heavy-laden, dreary;
For Jesus waits that gate within
To welcome all the weary.

3 Oh, sing aloud of Jesus' love,
Your sins shall be forgiven
The angels see His joy above
When sinners sigh for heaven.

4. Hear now the call from mercy's gate,
How sweet the invitation:
"Come in, come in, ye desolate
From every clime and nation."

5. "Come in, come in, while yet you may,
Before the night of sorrow
Come in, come in, while still 'tis day,
Too late, too late the morrow!"

"YET there is room!" The Lamb's bright hall of song,
With its fair glory, beckons thee along:

Room, room, still room!
Oh, enter, enter now!

2. Day is declining, and the sun is low;
The shadows lengthen, light makes haste to go.

3 The bridal hall is filling for the feast
Pass in, pass in, and be the Bridegroom's guest.

4 "It fills, it fills, that hall of jubilee!"
Make haste, make haste 'tis not too full for thee.

5 "Yet there is room!" Still open stands the gate,
The gate of love — it is not yet too late!

6 Pass in, pass in! That banquet is for thee;
That cup of everlasting love is free.

7 All heaven is there, all joy! Go in, go in,
The angels beckon thee the prize to win.

8 Louder and sweeter sounds the loving call,
Come, lingerer, come—enter that festal hall.

9 Ere night that gate may close,  and seal thy doom:
Then the last, low, long cry, "No room, no room!"
No room, no room!
Oh, awful cry, "No room!"

1 SEEK now the precious Saviour, and He'll be yours to day,
Whosoever will may come.
To God be all the glory!
His only Son He gave,
Whosoever will may come;
And those who come believing, He'll to the utmost save,
Whosoever will may come.

ALL hail the power of Jesu’s name!
The angels prostrate fall:
Bring forth the royal diadem:
And own Him Lord of all.

Ye saints redeemed of Adam’s race,
Ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him who saved you by His grace,
And own Him Lord of all.

All those whose hearts can ne’er forget
The wormwood and the gall,
Go, spread your trophies at His feet
And own Him Lord of all.

From every tribe, with every tongue,
Throughout this earthly ball,
Let men begin the endless song,
And own Him Lord of all.

sep. sheet (tune to be improved)
1 COME unto Me—’tis the voice of the Saviour
Calling the weary, come now and be blessed;
Come with your burden, your sin and your sorrow;
Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.

Come unto Me, come unto Me,
Come unto Me! and I will give you rest,

2 All is unrest in the sad world around you;
Say, is your spirit not restless within?
Come, broken-hearted one, see how the Saviour
Waits still in mercy to cleanse you from sin.

3 Now is the time that God gives you to trust Him,
Now the acceptable year of the Lord;
Come in your poverty—blind, bruised and sinful—
Come in repentance, believing His word.

4 Why remain captive in sin’s awful bondage,
When full deliverance in Christ you may know?
Would you find rest ’neath the blood shed to save you,
Or, to a Christless eternity go?

5 Fountain of grace opened wide to the needy;
Well-spring of joy for the broken in heart;
Garment of praise for the heavy in spirit;
Blessèd Redeemer, how precious Thou art.

Red 207
HO! every one that is thirsty in spirit,
Ho! every one that is weary and sad;
Come to the fountain, there’s fulness in Jesus,
All that you’re longing for, come and be glad.

“I will pour water on him that is thirsty,
I will pour floods upon the dry ground;
Open your heart for the gift I am bringing;
While you are seeking Me, I will be found.”

2 Child of the world, are you tired of your bondage?
Weary of earth-joys, so false, so untrue?
Thirsting for God and His fulness of blessing?
List to the promise, a message for you.

3 Child of the kingdom, be filled with the Spirit!
Nothing but fulness your longing can meet;
’Tis the endowment for life and for service;
Yours is the Earnest, so certain, so sweet.

(extra section 2)
BEHOLD the Lamb for sinners slain,
To cleanse them from each guilty stain,
His precious blood was shed ,
He took their place upon the tree,
Made sin, He bore their penalty,
To set the guilty captives free,
By dying in their stead.

2 Enduring there God's righteous stroke,
O'er Him the waves and billows broke,
He bowed His head and died;
God there forsook His only Son
That holy, true, obedient One,
By Whom alone His will was done,
When He was crucified

3 Behold Him now upon the throne,
The source of life and peace alone—
No longer in the grave—
Dispensing blessing full and free,
To such as lost and ruined be,
That throne, O sinner welcomes thee,
Whilst yet Christ's free to save.

4 Soon He will rise, and close the door,
Glad tidings then, thou'lt hear no more,
The day of grace be past;
Then such as would not bow the knee,
Nor own Him "Lamb of God" to be,
Shall shun His call, and from Him flee,
Who comes, as Judge, at last.

BEHOLD the Lamb! 'Tis HE who bore
My burden on the tree,
And paid in blood the dreadful score —
The ransom due for me.

2 I look to Him till sight endear
The Saviour to my heart:
To Him I look who calms my fear,
Nor from Himself depart.

3 I look until His precious love
My every thought control,
 Its vast constraining influence prove
O'er body, spirit, soul.

4 To Him I look, while still I run—
My never-failing Friend!—
 Finish, He will, the work begun,
 And grace in glory end.

BEHOLD the Man upon the Throne!
Both Lord and Christ is He alone.
God sent Him forth His Only One,
The Father's well-belovèd Son.

2 Jesus, God's gift from heaven came,
Bore, on the earth, reproach and shame.
Bowed on the cross His holy head—
Died, and God raised Him from the dead.

3 Once, for our crimson sins, He died,
He suffered, He was crucified ;
Now He, with glory, honour, crowned,
O'er sin makes grace much more abound.

4 "One Mediator," throned above,
Bears witness God is light and love,
None but the Son sets sinners free,
 "Come now," He saith, "come unto Me."

5 "Come unto Me!" Oh, blessed voice!
Ye laden ones, make Christ your choice,
The hour is near when every eye
 Shall see Him shine in yonder sky.

6 God doth extol none other Name,
Supreme, eternal, is His claim,
His rights let all confess, obey
 "Come unto Me," He saith, "TO-DAY!"

BLESSED Lord, our hallelujahs
Now to Thee we raise;
Never could we fully utter
All Thy worth and praise!

Praise the Lamb, for He is worthy!
Sweet eternal strain!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Praise the lord! Amen.

Praise the Lamb! Yes, Thou art worthy,
Who didst shed Thy blood,
To redeem  Thy saints and make us
Kings and priests to God!  

3 Yes! we praise Thee for Thou lov'st us;
And we bless Thee, Lord,
For Thy ceaseless intercession,
And Thy precious Word.

4 Hallelujah ! Thou, Lord Jesus,
Canst not cease to love,
Thine we are, and Thine for ever,
One with Thee above.

5 Praise the lord! yes, hallelujah!
Who would hush the song?
Join with saints from every nation,
Every tribe and tongue.

1 CHARMING is the gospel story,
Love's tale of Jesus, Lord of glory,
The sinner's friend, seen here on earth;
Bethlehem's lowly manger held Him,
There trustful shepherds sought and found Him,
When angel's voice disclosed His birth.
Hail! hail! Incarnate Word!
"A Saviour, Christ the Lord,"
God's Son, in grace, takes here a place,
To seek, and save, a fallen race.

2 Perfect love marked all His pathway,
As, through this world of sin and misery,
He hastened onward to the cross:
There in grace for sins He suffered,
As unto God Himself He offered,
Our souls to win by His own loss:
The cup of wrath He drained,
the victory He gained,
Hallelujah !
The crimson wave, His opened grave,
Proclaim Him mighty now to save.

3 By the Father's glory raisèd,
Ascended high, in glory seated,
With joy we see our Saviour now;
Ransomed by His full redemption,
To Him we cry, with adoration,
Worthy of homage, Lord, art Thou:
Both heart and voice we raise
In Thine eternal praise,
Hallelujah !
In Thee we boast, at endless cost,
Jesus, Thou'st sought, and saved, the lost.

COME unto Me, the Saviour saith,
Ye weary ones, draw near!
Why spend your strength in works of death?
Your days and nights in fear?

To ME, all ye that labour, come,
From vain endeavours turn;
The Father's will the Son hath done,
 Of ME, His meek One, learn.

2 Come unto Me, both great and small,
With sin and care oppressed;
O come, ye heavy laden, all,
And I will give you rest.

3 My yoke like true disciples wear,
So shall your joys increase;
Come learn of Me the cross to bear
In wisdom's way of peace.

4 Come unto Me in all your need,
 And be for ever blest,
Ye in My pastures green shall feed,
Beside still waters rest.

5 No heavy burdens will I give,
My yoke is light to bear;
And all who come, believe and live,
Shall soon My glory share.

1 COME, weary soul! 'tis Jesus calls you
To His wounded side;
"Come to Me," says He, "and ever
Safe abide."

2 Seeking Jesus? Jesus seeks you—
Seeks to draw you near;
He is knocking, ever knocking,
Won't you hear?

3 Only trust Him, He will save you—
Make you all His own;
Guide you, keep you, take you safely
To His home.

4 Will you still refuse His mercy?
Will you say Him nay?
Will you let Him, grieved, rejected,
Go away?

5 Do you feel your life is weary?
Is your soul distressed?
Take salvation, wait no longer;
Be at rest.

COME, ye that love the Lord,
And let your joys be known,
Join in a song with sweet accord,
Join in a song with sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne,
And thus surround the throne.

We're marching to Zion,
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We're marching upward to Zion,
The beautiful city of God.

2 Let those refuse to sing
Who never knew our God;
But children of our heavenly King
Must speak their joys abroad.

3 The hill of Zion yields
A thousand sacred sweets,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Or walk the golden streets.

4 Then let our songs abound,
And every tear be dry;
We're marching through Emmanuel's ground,
To fairer worlds on high.

GB 392
DYING with Jesus, by death reckoned mine;
Living with Jesus a new life divine;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am thine

Moment by moment I'm kept in His love,
Moment by moment I've life from above;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

2 Never a battle with wrong for the right,
Never a contest that He doth not fight;
Lifting above us His banner so white —
Moment by moment I'm kept in His sight.

3 Never a trial that He is not there,
Never a burden that He doth not bear,
Never a sorrow that He doth not share —
Moment by moment I'm under His care.

4 Never a heart-ache, and never a groan,
Never a tear-drop, and never a moan;
Never a danger but there on the throne
Moment by moment He thinks of His own.

5 Never a weakness that He doth not feel,
Never a sickness that He cannot heal;
Moment by moment, In woe or in weal,
Jesus, my Saviour, abides with me still.

FOR God so loved the world, He gave
His only Son, our souls to save;
So as we now believe in Him,
God will forgive our every sin.

2 O do not pass His offer by,
For through His grace we need not die;
Since Christ has shed His precious blood,
To cleanse us by that crimson flood.

3 When suff'ring on that cross of shame,
Jesus, our substitute, became,
And as we answer to His call,
Salvation free, God offers all.

4 To know our sins are all forgiven,
Our place with Him secure in heaven;
No fear of hell or torment there,
Nor punishment, for sin to bear

5 As peace and joy now fill our souls,
Such precious thoughts to us unfold,
The wonders of God's boundless love,
Attract our hearts to Him above.

6 No, none can pluck us from His hand,
As safe in Christ, secure we stand,
O, let us brightly, for Him, shine,
As witness to His grace divine.

EH  69
FROM the palace of His glory,
From the home of joy and love,
Came the Lord Himself to seek me;
He would have me there above.

2 There from that eternal brightness
Have His thoughts flowed forth to me;
He in His great love would have me
Ever there with Him to be.

3 Could I think that in the glory,
Ere of Him I had a thought,
Christ was yearning o'er the lost one,
Whom His precious blood had bought?

4 That it was His need that brought Him
Down to the accursed tree,
Deeper than His deep compassion,
Wondrous thought — His need of me.

5 Trembling I had hoped for mercy —
Some low place within His door;
But the crown, the throne, the mansion,
He made ready long before.

6 And in dim and distant ages,
In those courts so bright and fair,
Ere I was, was He rejoicing,
All He won with me to share.

EH 75
"GLORY to God on high!
Peace upon earth, and joy;
Goodwill to man."
We who God's blessing prove,
His name all names above,
Sing now "the Saviour's love,
Too vast to scan."

2 Mercy and truth unite;
Oh, 'tis a wondrous sight,
All sights above!
Jesus the curse sustains,
Guilt's bitter cup He drains!
Nothing for us remains —
Nothing but love.

3 Love that no tongue can teach,
Love that no thought can reach;
No love like His.
God is its blessed source;
Death ne'er can stop its course;
Nothing can stay its force;
Matchless it is !

4 Blest in this love, we sing;
To God our praises bring;
All sin's forgiven!
Jesus, our Lord, to Thee
Honour and majesty
Now and for ever be,
Here and in heaven.

HALLELUJAH! Christ hath conquered—
Conquered sin and death and hell:
Sing aloud His mighty triumphs,
Gladly now His praises tell;
Jesus hath done all things well.

2 Him, who once as Man of sorrows
Bore for us our sins and shame,
Glad we hail as King of glory—
His a never-ending fame;
Praise, for ever praise, His name.

3 Son of God, in adoration
Low we bow before Thy face,
And with loving hearts, Lord Jesus,
Sing the marvels of Thy grace;
Thee we worship, Thee we praise.

EH 135 S.M.
1 I hear the words of love,
I gaze upon the blood,
I see the mighty sacrifice,
And I have peace with God.

2 'Tis everlasting peace!
Sure as Jehovah's name,
'Tis stable as His steadfast throne,
For evermore the same.

3 My love is ofttimes low,
My joy still ebbs and flows
But peace with Him remains the same,
No change Jehovah knows.

4 I change, He changes not;
My Christ can never die:
His love, not mine, the resting-place
His truth, not mine, the tie.

5 The Cross still stands unchanged,
Though heaven is now His home;
The mighty stone is rolled away,
But yonder is His tomb!

6 And yonder is my peace,
The grave of all my woes!
I know the Son of God has come,
I know He died and rose!

7 I know He liveth now
At God's right hand above;
I know the throne on which He sits,
I know His truth and love!

HF 292    76. 76. D
1 I need Thee, precious Jesus!
For I am full of sin:
My soul is dark and guilty,
My heart is dead within:
I need the cleansing fountain,
Where all can always flee,
The blood of Christ most precious,
The sinner's perfect plea.

2 I need Thee, precious Jesus!
For I am very poor;
A stranger and a pilgrim,
I have no earthly store:
I need the love of Jesus
To cheer me on my way,
To guide my doubting foot-steps,
To be my strength and stay.

3 I need Thee, precious Jesus!
I need a friend like Thee;
A friend to soothe and comfort —
A friend to care for me:
I need the heart of Jesus
To feel each anxious care,
To tell my ev'ry trouble
And all my sorrows share.

4 I need Thee, precious Jesus"
And hope to see Thee soon,
Encircled with the rainbow,
And seated on Thy throne;
There with Thy blood-bought children
My joy shall ever be,
To sing Thy praise, Lord Jesus —
To gaze, my Lord, on Thee.

EH 145  C.M.
1 I thank Thee, O my gracious God,
For all Thy love to me;
As deep, as high, as long, as broad
As Thine eternity.

2 Thy love did choose me for Thine own
Before the world began,
When Thou, with Thine eternal Son,
The work of grace did'st plan.

3 And when I far from Thee did rove
In paths of sin and shame,
'Twas then Thou call'dst me in Thy love
And gav'st me to the Lamb.

4 Oh! happy day, when drawn by love
To Thee, my Saviour God,
My guilty conscience came to prove
The power of Jesus' blood.

5 And happier still Himself to  know,
The changeless One, on high,
Whose love led Him to stoop so low,
To suffer and to die.

6 All thanks and praise to Thee I give,
Who gav'st Thy Son for me;
I'll render praises while I live,
And through eternity.

EH 152
IF I could find the oldest heart,
That longest has withstood
The wooings of Almighty love, —
My Saviour could and would
Forgive the awful life of sin,
And take the aged offender in —
My Saviour could and would.

2 If I could find the hardest heart,
Receiving only good,
And yet returning only ill, —
My Saviour could and would,
With one sweet glance of patient love,
The hardened rebel's spirit move —
My Saviour could and would.

3 If I could find the coldest heart,
And in its coldest mood,
A stone beneath the brooding wings, —
My Saviour could and would
Put warmth into the icy thing,
And give it life and give it wing —
My Saviour could and would.

4 If dark despair had sealed the heart,
And like a sentry stood,
And cried, "Life is impossible!"
My Saviour could and would —
He could give life, for He has died;
He would give life, though all denied —
My Saviour could and would.

5 My heart is charmed to sing this song;
And if perchance it should
Prove music to a hopeless one,
My Saviour could and would
That hopeless one this hour forgive,
If but God's message he believe —
My Saviour could and would.

EH 171 C.M.
JESUS! O name of power divine
To all of heavenly birth!
Jesus! the never-failing mine,
Of richest, sweetest worth!

2 My freshest, purest, sweetest springs
In His blest love I find:
While from that fount the Spirit brings
Sweet treasures to my mind.

3 With Thee I cannot feel alone,
I cannot be forgot;
Though friends are changing one by one
Thou, Saviour, changest not.

4 The Shepherd's bosom bears each lamb
O'er rock, and waste, and wild;
The object of that love I am —
And carried like a child.

5 And is not this, O Lord enough,
Thy perfect love to share, —
Till Thou shalt call Thy bride above
To meet Thee in the air?

6 It is enough: Thy tender smile
(Till I behold Thee there),
Shall cheer me through the "little while"
I'm waiting for Thee here.

7 Then speak the word, that gladdening word,
To bid us rise to Thee —
To bid creation own her Lord,
And all His glory see.

EH 173  7.6.
JESUS, our life, is risen —
Jesus, who died to save;
Burst are the gates, O prison!
Thy victory spoiled, O grave
He who in grace descended,
Constrained by love to die,
Triumphant has ascended
To God's right hand on high.

2 He, for the joy before Him,
Endured the cross and shame,
Therefore our souls adore Him
And magnify His name.
Jesus, O name all glorious!
He bore it on the tree;
Jesus, O name victorious!
He bears it still for me.

3 Jesus, the sinner's Saviour —
Jesus, the saved one's Friend —
Jesus, whose mighty favour
Shall keep us to the end:
Jesus, High Priest in heaven,
He bears us on His heart;
By God to Jesus given,
Who us from Him shall part?

4 All praise to Thee, our Saviour!
We glory in Thy name;
Our boast is in Thy favour,
Our songs Thy worth proclaim:
E'en in this vale of sorrow
We'll sing, as on we roam;
But, Oh, the glad to-morrow,
We'll be with Thee at home!

EH 178 7s
JESUS, spotless Son of God,
Thou hast bought us with Thy blood:
We are Thine, and Thine alone —
This we gladly, fully own.

2 When we are to glory come,
And have reach'd our heavenly home,
Louder then each lip shall own
We are Thine, and Thine alone.

EH 181
JESUS, the Lord is risen,
Triumphant o'er the grave;
For us He burst the prison,
Almighty now to save:

Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth that was dead.

2 Who to our charge shall lay
Iniquity or guilt?
Our sin is done away
Since Jesus' blood is spilt:

3 Who now accuseth them
Whom God hath justified?
Or who shall those condemn
For whom the Surety died?

4 Christ hath the ransom paid,
The wondrous work is done;
On Him our help is laid,
The victory is won:

SS&S 177 L.M.
JESUS, Thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress;
'Midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed,
With joy shall I lift up my head.

2 When, from the dust of death, I rise
To take my mansion in the skies;
E'en then shall this be all my plea —
Jesus hath lived and died for me.

3 Bold shall I stand in that great day,
For who aught to my charge shall lay,
While, through Thy blood, absolved I am
From sin's tremendous curse and shame?

4 This spotless robe the same appears
When ruined nature sinks in years:
No age can change its glorious hue;
The robe of Christ is ever new.

5 Oh, let the dead now hear Thy voice!
Bid, Lord, Thy banished ones rejoice:
Their beauty this, their glorious dress,
Jesus, thy blood and righteousness.

JOIN all the glorious names
Of wisdom, love, and power,
That mortals ever knew,
That angels ever bore, —
All are too mean to speak His worth,
Too mean to set the Saviour forth.

2 Great Prophet of my God!
My tongue shall bless Thy name,
By whom the joyful news
Of free salvation came;
The joyful news of sin forgiven,
Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven.

3 Thou art my Counsellor,
My Pattern, and my Guide,
And Thou my Shepherd art;
Ah! keep me near Thy side,
Nor let my feet e'er turn astray,
To wander in the crooked way.

4 I love the Shepherd's voice:
His watchful eyes shall keep
My pilgrim soul among
The thousands of God's sheep;
He feeds His flock, He calls their names,
And gently leads the tender lambs.

EH 218  8.5.
MIDST the darkness, storm, and sorrow,
One bright gleam I see;
Will I know the blessed morrow
Christ will come for me.
Midst the light, and peace, and glory
Of the Father's home,
Christ for me is watching, waiting,
Waiting till I come.

2 Who is this who comes to meet me
On the desert way,
As the Morning star foretelling
God's unclouded day?
He it is who came to win me
On the cross of shame;
In His glory well I know Him,
Evermore the same.

3 Oh! the blessed joy of meeting,
All the desert past!
Oh! the wondrous words of greeting
He shall speak at last!
He and I, together entering
Those bright courts above;
He and I together sharing
All the Father's love.

4 He, who in His hour of sorrow
Bore the curse alone;
I, who through the lonely desert
Trod where He had gone.
He and I in that bright glory
One deep joy shall share:
Mine, to be for ever with Him;
His, that I am there.

GC 73
MY sins have been cast in the depths of the sea,
Down deep in the sea;
So deep they shall never be brought against me,
Down deep in the sea.

Down! Down! Down! Down!
Down in the depths of the sea.
The sins of the past, are all gone at last,
Down in the depths of the sea.

2 My soul is rejoicing my sins are all gone,
Down deep in the sea;
I praise the dear Lord, who has cast ev'ry one
down deep in the sea.

3 From sin's condemnation I am now released,
Down deep in the sea;
And all of the dread of the past is now ceased,
Down deep in the sea.

EH 225  7.6.
My song shall be of Jesus!
His mercy crowns my days,
He fills my cup with blessings,
And tunes my heart to praise.
My song shall be of Jesus,
The precious Lamb of God,
Who gave Himself my ransom,
And bought me with His blood

2 My song shall be of Jesus,
When, sitting at His feet,
I call to mind His goodness,
In meditation sweet.
My song shall be of Jesus,
Whatever ill betide;
I'll sing the grace that saves me,
And keeps me at His side.

3 My song shall be of Jesus,
While pressing on my way
To reach the blissful region
Of pure and perfect day.
And when my soul shall enter
The gate of Eden fair,
A song of praise to Jesus
I'll sing for ever there.

EH 227   7s
NAME of Jesus! highest name!
Name that earth and heaven adore!
From the heart of God it came,
Leads me to God's heart once more.

2 Name of Jesus! living tide!
Days of drought for me are past;
How much more than satisfied
Are the thirsty lips at last!

3 Name of Jesus! dearest name!
Bread of Heaven, and balm of love;
Oil of gladness, surest claim
To the treasures stored above.

4 Jesus gives forgiveness free,
Jesus cleanses all my stains,
Jesus gives His life to me,
Jesus always He remains.

5 Only Jesus! fairest name!
Life and rest, and peace and bliss;
Jesus, evermore the same,
He is mine, and I am His.

GT 108  7.6.
O God, our hearts are lifted
To Thee, in grateful praise;
Responsive to Thy Spirit
a joyful song we raise;
For He Thy gracious purpose
In Christ to us has shown,
That now as sons before Thee.
His favour is our own

2 In nature's darkness shrouded,
And dead in sins we lay,
Until Thy Holy Spirit
Transformed our night to day.
Awakened needs within us,
Begetting us anew,
And by love's strong compelling,
Our souls to Jesus drew

3 We trusted Him as Saviour,
When rest and peace we sought,
And now Thy Spirit seals us,
As those His blood has bought.
Made Thine He ne'er will leave us.
For He is pledged to stay,
As earnest of our portion,
Until redemption's day.

4 Oh! may Thy Holy Spirit
Blest unction from on high,
With all His rich infilling,
Lead us to glorify
The risen Christ, our Saviour,
By loyal witness true,
Constraining us to serve Him
In all we say and do.

SS&S 519  11s
Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I,
My soul in its conflicts and sorrows would fly;
So sinful, so weary, Thine, Thine would I be;
Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee.

Hiding in Thee, hiding in Thee,
Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee.

2 In the calm of the noontide, in sorrow's lone hour,
In times when temptation casts o'er me its power;
In the tempests of life, on its wide, heaving sea,
Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee.

3 How oft in the conflict, when pressed by the foe,
I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out my woe;
How often when trials like sea-billows roll,
Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul.

EH 268  7.6.
O Saviour, precious Saviour,
Whom, yet unseen, we love!
O Name of might and favour,
All other names above!

We worship Thee! we bless Thee!
To Thee alone we sing!
We praise Thee, and confess Thee,
Our Saviour, Lord, and King!

2 O bringer of salvation,
Who wondrously hast wrought,
Thyself the revelation
Of love beyond out thought!

3 In Thee all fulness dwelleth,
All grace and power divine;
The glory that excelleth,
O Son of God, is Thine!

4 Oh, sweet the consummation
Of this our song above,
In endless adoration,
And everlasting love!

EH 302
ON earth the song begins,
In heaven more sweet and loud,
"To Him that cleansed our sins
By His atoning blood;"
"To Him," we sing in joyful strain,
"Be honour, power, and praise. Amen"

2 Alone He bare the cross,
Alone its grief sustained;
His was the shame and loss,
And He the victory gained;
The mighty work was all His own,
Though we shall share His glorious throne.

EH 309
ONE there is above all others,
*O how He loves!
His is love beyond a brother's,*
Earthly friends may fail or leave us,
One day soothe, the next day grieve us,
But this Friend will ne'er deceive us.*

2 'Tis eternal life to know Him,
Think, O think, how much we owe Him,*
With His precious blood He bought us,*
In the wilderness He sought us,
To His fold He safely brought us.*

3 We have found a friend in Jesus,*
'Tis His great delight to bless us,*
How our hearts delight to hear Him
Bid us dwell in safety near Him;
Why should we distrust or  f ear Him?*

4 Through His name we are forgiven,*
Backward shall our foes be driven,*
Best of blessings He'll provide us,
Nought but good shall e'er betide us,
Safe to glory He will guide us.*

EH 336  6.7's.
"RICH in mercy," Jesus died
With a thief on either side;
"Rich in mercy," Jesus there
Let a thief that "mercy" share:
"Grace and glory" there he got;
"Mercy" saved him on the spot.

2 "Rich in mercy," flowed His blood,
Recociling me to God;
"Rich in mercy," when I strayed,
By that "mercy" I was stayed:
And of all His love was told,
"Mercy's" gifts are manifold,

3 "Rich in mercy," on my head
Oil of boundless jot He shed;
All my sins are put away,
All is turned to brightest day:
To Thy "mercy," Lord, belongs,
Never-ceasing sweetest songs.

4 "Rich in mercy," rich in grace:
Rich with "mercy," beams His face;
"Rich in mercy," lost one, come;
"Rich in mercy," all is done:
"Rich in mercy," He is mine;
"Rich in mercy,"is He thine?

EH 344  P.M.
SALVATION! Oh, the joyful sound,
What pleasure to our ears!
A sovereign balm for every wound,
A cordial for our fears.

Glory, honour, praise and power,
Be unto the Lamb for ever;
Jesus Christ is our Redeemer
Hallelujah! praise ye the Lord!

2 Salvation! O ascended Lamb,
To Thee the praise belongs!
Salvation shall inspire our hearts,
And dwell upon our tongues.

EH 345  8.7.
SAVED for glory! yes for glory,
By the work of God's blest Son;
Saved for glory! wondrous story,
We believe what Christ has done.
Saved for glory! saved by Jesus,
All our meetness His alone:
Meetness, which the Father pleases
Ours should be, in Christ the Son.

2 All of grace, yes, grace surpassing,
Such a portion to bestow;
But the love all knowledge passing,
Grace has called us now to know.
Love that bore the stripes and sorrow,
Love that suffered on the tree,
Love that shares the bright to-morrow
With the loved ones, you and me.

3 Through that perfect Offering, never
Can our sins against us rise;
Perfected are we for ever
By that wondrous sacrifice.
Jesus, Saviour! we are graven
Ever one Thy heart of love;
We shall reach the wished-for haven
In Thy Father's house above.

KES 266
SAVIOUR, blessed Saviour,
Listen whilst we sing,
Hearts and voices raising
Praises to our King.
All we have to offer;
All we hope to be,
Body, soul, and spirit,
All we yield to thee

2 Nearer, ever nearer,
Christ we draw to Thee
Deep in adoration
Bending low the knee.
Thou for our redemption
Cam'st on earth to die;
Thou, that we might follow,
Hast gone up on high,

3 Great, and ever greater,
Are Thy mercies here,
True and everlasting
Are Thy glories there,
Where no pain, or sorrow,
Toil, or care is known,
Where the angel-legions
Circle round Thy throne.

4 Clearer still and clearer
Dawns the light from heaven,
In our sadness bringing
News of sins forgiven;
Life has lost its shadows,
Pure the light within,
Thou hast shed Thy radiance,
On a world of sin.

5 Brighter still and brighter
Glows the western sun,
Shedding all its gladness
O'er our work that's done.
Time will soon be over,
Toil and sorrow past,
May we blessed Saviour,
Find a rest at last.

6 Onward, ever onward,
Journeying o'er the road
Worn by saints before us,
Journeying on to God;
Leaving all behind us,
May we hasten on,
Backward never looking
Till the prize is won.

7 Higher, then still higher
Bear the ransomed soul,
Earthly toils forgotten,
Saviour, to its goal;
Where in joys unthought of,
Saints with angels sing,
Never weary, raising
Praises to their King.

SS 217   S.M.D.
SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, and put your armour on,
Strong in the strength which God supplies through His eternal Son:
Strong in the Lord of Hosts, and in His mighty power,
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, is more than conqueror.

2 Your Canaan to possess — this is the Father's will,
Though Satan all his powers address to keep you earthbound still;
Christ in that heavenly sphere has conquering gone before.
See! your inheritance is there, and there your holy war.

3 Stand then in His great might, with all His strength endued;
But take, to arm you in the fight, the Panoply of God:
That having all things done, and all your conflicts passed,
Ye may o'ercome, through Christ alone, and stand entire at last.

4 But, above all, lay hold on faith's victorious shield;
Armed with that adamant and gold, be sure to win the field:
If faith surround your heart, Satan shall be subdued;
Repelled his every fiery dart, and quenched with God's own Word.

5 From strength to strength go on, wrestle, and fight, and pray:
Tread all the powers of darkness down, and win the well-fought day:
Still let the Spirit cry in all His soldiers, "Come";
Till Christ the Lord descend from high, and take the conquerors home.

GOOD T 184  C.M.
THE blessed Saviour, as He trod
His lowly path on earth,
Was always pleasing unto God,
Obedient from His birth.

2 No selfish will His heart inclined,
Himself He ne'er preferred;
With heart and soul and strength and mind
He kept His Father's word.

3 No glory for Himself He sought;
And as in years He grew,
Still was the spring  of every thought
His Father's will to do.

4 And when His precious blood He gave
Poor sinners to redeem,
He knew His Father loved to save,
And this was joy to Him.

5 As Jesus did the Father's will,
Whatever were the cost,
Then know it is His pleasure still
To seek and save the lost.

EH 365  7.6.
THE cross it standeth fast,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Defying every blast,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The winds of hell have blown,
The world its hate has shown,
Yet it is not o'erthrown:

Hallelujah for the cross!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah for the cross!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! it shall not suffer loss!

2 It is the old cross still,
Its triumph let us tell,
The grace of God here shone,
Through Christ, the blessèd Son,
Who did for sin atone.

3 'twas here the debt was paid,
Our sins on Jesus laid,
So round the cross we sing
Of Christ our offering,
Of Christ the living King!

EH 373  P.M.
THE Holy Lamb has died,
A victim on the tree;
For sinners He was crucified,
To set them free;
He bore the righteous stroke
Of God's right hand of power,
O'er Him the waves and billows broke
In that dark hour!

2 Our sins were on Him laid,
He bowed beneath the load;
By Him the mighty debt was paid—
The debt we owed;
Now see Him on the throne
Who once on Calvary bled,
The One who did for guilt atone
O'er all as Head!

3 See, God can now be just,
And justify the one
Who places  his unmingled trust
In His blest Son,
Whose precious blood makes clean
The vilest who believe,—
No spot nor stain on those is seen
Who Christ receive.

4 Come, guilty sinner, come,
Why wilt thou still delay?
Within the Father's house there's room,
Christ is the way;
The Father's kiss still waits,
For thee His heart doth yearn,
And open wide are heaven's gates,—
Return! return!

EH 390  7.6.
THE sprinkled blood is speaking
Before the Father's throne,
The Spirit's power is seeking
To make its virtues known.

2 The sprinkled blood is telling
Jehovah's love to man,
While heavenly harps are swelling
Sweet notes to mercy's plan.

3 The sprinkled blood is speaking
Forgiveness full and free.
Its wondrous power is breaking
Each bond of guilt for thee.

4 Oh, wondrous power that seeketh
From sin to set thee free,
Ah! precious blood that speaketh
Peace, even unto thee.

EH 394  C.M.
THERE is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Emmanuel's veins,
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lost all their guilty stains.

Oh, depth of mercy, can it be
That precious blood was shed for me?
For me, for me!
That blood was shed for me!

2 The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there have I, though vile as he,
Washed all my sins away

3 Dear dying Lamb Thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power
Till all the ransomed saints of God
Be saved to sin no more.

4 Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared—
Unworthy though I be—
For me a blood-bought free reward,
A golden harp for me.

5 'Tis strung and tuned for endless years,
And formed by power divine,
To sound in God the Father's ears
No other name but Thine.

SS 212  10s.
CALLED from above, and heavenly men by birth,
(Who once were but the citizens of earth)
As pilgrims here, we seek a heavenly home,
Our portion in the ages yet to come.

2 Where all the saints of every clime shall meet,
And each with all shall all the ransomed greet,
But oh, the height of bliss our Lord, shall be
To owe it all, and share it all, with Thee.

SS 34  P.M.
WE adore Thee evermore, Hallelujah!
Saviour, for Thy boundless grace, Hallelujah!
For the cross, whereby to us, Hallelujah!
Sure is made eternal bliss; Hallelujah!

For Thy death which set us free, Hallelujah!
From Thy death which set us free, Hallelujah!
For Thine all-atoning blood, Hallelujah!
Which hath brought us nigh to God: Hallelujah!

SS 316
WE are by Christ redeemed:
The cost — His precious blood;
Be nothing by our souls esteemed
Like this great good.
Were the vast world our own,
With all its varied store,
And Thou, Lord Jesus, wert unknown,
We still were poor.

2 Our earthen vessels break;
The world itself grows old;
But Christ our precious dust will take,
And freshly mould:
He'll give these bodies vile
A fashion like His own;
He'll bid the whole creation smile,
And hush its groan.

3 Thus far, by grace preserved,
Each moment speeds us on;
The crown and kingdom are reserved
Where Christ is gone.
When cloudless morning shines,
We shall His glory share;
In pleasant places are the lines;
The home how fair!

4 To Him our weakness clings
Through tribulation sore,
And seeks the covert of His wings
Till all be o'er.
And when we've run the race,
And fought the faithful fight,
We then shall see Him face to face,
With saints in light.

EH 456         C.M.
WELL may we sing! with triumph sing
The great Redeemer's praise;
The glories of our Saviour God,
Revealed in Jesus' face.

2 The Father's love it was that sought
From hell to set us free;
That gave the Lamb whose precious blood
Has bought our liberty.

3 In Him we read the Father's love,
And find eternal peace:
In Him we meet a Saviour God,
And fear and terror cease.

GB 463  P.M.
WHEN we walk with the Lord,
In the light of His word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey!

2 Not a shadow can rise,
Not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt nor a fear,
Not  sigh nor a tear,
Can abide  while we trust and obey!

3 Not a burden we bear,
Not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay:
Not a grief nor a loss,
Not a frown nor a cross,
But is blest if we trust and obey.

4 But we never can prove
The delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favour He shows,
And the joy He bestows,
Are for them that will trust and obey.

5 Then in fellowship sweet
We will sit at His feet,
Or we'll walk by His side in the way;
What He says we will do,
Where He sends we will go—
Never fear, only trust and obey!

SS 300  10's or 11's.
YE servants of God, your Master proclaim,
And publish abroad His wonderful name,
The name, all victorious, of Jesus extol,
His kingdom is glorious— He'll reign over all.

2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save,
But still He is nigh, His presence we have;
The great congregation His triumph shall sing,
Ascribing salvation to Jesus their King.

3 Salvation to God, who sits on the throne,
Let all shout aloud, and honour the Son!
The praises of Jesus God's saints will proclaim
And fall on their faces to worship the Lamb.

44 Easter hymn. H.C. 182 7's.
1 CHRIST the Lord is risen indeed, Hallelujah.
He has met His people's need,  . .
Borne their sins upon the Cross, . .
Suffered death and shame and loss. . .

2 Yes, He took the bitter cup,  . .
To the dregs He drank it up; . .
Gives the cup of blessing now,  . .
Worthy, Jesus, Lord, art Thou! . .

3 Here He came from realms of light, . .
Passed through darkness, gloom, and night, . .
Fathomed all the depth of woe,  . .
Triumphed! conquered every foe. . .

4 God, that Holy One who gave, . .
Could not leave Him in the grave,  . .
Raised Him to the highest height, . .
Crowned Him there with glory bright. . .

5 From the glory He will come, . .
First to take His people home, . .
Soon with them o'er earth to reign. . .
Come, Lord Jesus, come, amen. . .