STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 455: LORD, we can see, by faith in Thee

455: LORD, we can see, by faith in Thee

by E. O'Shaughnessy Iambic

sung to Friend midi score
by G. C. Stebbins (1846-1945)
 ( Iambic)

1 LORD, we can see, by faith in Thee,
A prospect bright, unfailing,
Where God shall shine, in light divine,
In glory never fading.

2 A home above, of peace and love,
Close to Thy holy person!
Thy saints shall there see glory fair,
And shine as Thy reflection.

3 Oh! how we thirst the chains to burst,
That weigh our spirits downward,
And there to flow, in love's full glow,
With hearts like Thine surrounded.

4 No more as here, 'mid snares to fear
A thought or wish unholy!
No more to pain the Lamb once slain,
But live to love Thee wholly!

5 No more to view Thy chosen few
In selfish strife divided!
But drink in peace the living grace
That gave them hearts united!

6 Lord, haste that day of cloudless ray,
That prospect bright, unfailing,
Where God shall shine in light divine,
In glory never fading.

Alternative tunes ( Iambic)

Bishopgarth midi score