L.M. sung to Mendon by Anonymous Traditional German Melody arr. by S. Dyer (1785-1835) (L.M.) 1 'TIS finished all --- our souls to win His life the blessed Jesus gave, And having borne our guilt and sin, He rose triumphant from the grave.
2 Past suffering now, the tender heart Of Jesus on His Father's throne Still in our sorrow bears a part, And feels it as He felt His own.
3 Sweet thought! we have a Friend above Our feeble faltering steps to guide, Who follows with the eye of love The little flock for which He died.
4 Lord Jesus, teach us more and more On Thee alone to cast our care, And, gazing on Thy cross, adore The wondrous grace that brought Thee there.
| Alternative tunes (L.M.)Arizona |  |  | Brookfield |  |  | Deep Harmony |  |  | Duke Street |  |  | Dusseldorf |  |  | Federal Street |  |  | Grateful Praise |  |  | Hamburg |  |  | Holley |  |  | Hursley |  |  | Living Springs |  |  | Maryton |  |  | Old Hundredth |  |  | Pentecost |  |  | Retreat |  |  | Rockingham |  |  | St. Clement |  |  | Talis's Canon |  |  | Vom Himmel Hoch |  |  | Walton |  |  | Wareham |  |  | Warrington |  |  | Whitburn |  |  | Woodworth |  |  | Zephyr |  |  |