1 SWEET the theme of Jesus' love! Sweet that theme all themes above; Love, unmerited and free, Our triumphant song shall be.
2 Love so vast that nought can bound, Love too deep for thought to sound, Love which brought the Lord of all To the wormwood and the gall.
3 Love which led Him to the cross, Bearing there unmeasured loss; Love which brought Him to the gloom Of the cold and darksome tomb.
4 Love which made Him hence arise Far above the starry skies; There, with tender, loving care, All His people's griefs to share.
5 Jesus, Lord, accept our praise; Now our hearts to Thee we raise, Though we know Thy boundless love Earthly praise is far above.
| Alternative tunes (7s.)Brandenburg |  |  | Harts |  |  | Hendon |  |  | Innocents |  |  | Lubeck |  |  | Mozart |  |  | St. Bees |  |  |