On! let us magnify the grace
Of Him who sits upon the throne,
who left the glories of that place
To claim such wanderers for His own.
By Satan led, by sin defiled,
In nature lived each earth-born child.
With what a cost that Blessed One
Accomplished all His heart's desire!
He would not reign in bliss alone
To save the lost He would aspire,
In depths of God's fierce wrath to prove
The depths of Everlasting Love.
Thus was the Father's blest design
Fulfilled completely by the Son,
Whose glories shall resplendent shine
In us - the trophies He has won.
E'en now we share with Him above
The stores of God's exhaustless love.
To that bright home where He has gone
Let every heart directed be,
Into whose chambers light has shone
With His life-giving brilliancy,
In unison with Him to prove
The heights of Everlasting Love.