"The Gospel of God, concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
The Gospel is of God,
It tells us of "His Son,"
He, Jesus Christ our Lord,
By power God's will hath done.
By power He bruised the serpent's head,
By power God raised Him from the dead.
The Holy Spirit came
On Jesus from above,
Not "whirlwind" nor as "flame,"
But lighting "as a dove."
And lo, from Heaven, the Father's voice
Owned Him in whom He doth rejoice.
This Saviour, Christ the Lord,
'Mid guilty sinners came,
Maintained the truth of God,
Bore grief, reproach, and shame.
Unwearied in His love, His grace,
He took the guilty sinner's place.
Alone, upon the cross,
God's judgment Jesus bore.
He paid in full the cost
Of glory evermore.
His precious blood was freely shed,
This "Jesus" liveth, and was dead.
By resurrection now
God doth His rights declare,
Let men and angels bow
To Jesus everywhere.
For to this Man, God's Son, is given
All power on earth, all power in Heaven. H. K. B. E.