"So shall we ever be with the Lord."
Always to be with Thee,
Saviour, where'er Thou art!
Perfect companionship with Thee
Ever our blissful part!
Wisdom of God - His Power
Thus to adore, as meet,
Marvellous Prospect! every hour
Growing more vast, more sweet.
Always to be with Thee!
Safe from the ways of men.
Never again beguiled: set free
Lord, in Thy glory, then.
Cherished in Love supreme,
Nourished by Truth divine,
Never did mortal's fondest dream
Image delights like Thine.
Always to be with Thee!
God hath ordained it so.
Gift of Thy Father, "chosen," we
Go where His Son doth go.
"Father of Glory" - He
Wrought in the Christ, with might,
Willing that "all" His thought should see,
Shown for His own delight.
Always to be with Thee!
Thou wilt from heaven descend,
Coming for us, and we shall be
Thus at the journey's end.
Thus in the realms above,
Thee for our great Reward
Ever with Thee, where Light and Love
Crown Thee in glory, Lord. H. K. B. E.