A Deadly Delusion

I knew an old lady who was possessed at times by a firm belief that she was dead. It did not prevent her taking food and rest, nor did it interfere with the ordinary functions of life, so it occasioned no particular distress to her friends. Such a delusion is harmless. But there are delusions of such a nature that we must combat them with all our energy. They are something like a poisoned stream that is found on a lonely island off the coast of Alaska. A party of fishermen years ago landed on this island. What looked like pure water was impregnated with a quantity of arsenic. They drank, and their whitened bones, found in subsequent years, were the ghastly witness of their fatal mistake.

Yet the delusion against which I warn you involves far more serious consequences—not death to the body, but eternal disaster to the soul.

Widespread and popular, received by multitudes and preached from numberless pulpits, it is but the fulfilment of the Scripture prophecy: “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned UNTO FABLES” (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

The deadly delusion to which I refer is embodied in the popular expression, “The Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man.” It sounds attractive. It makes no call either for repentance or conversion. It palliates sin, and overlooks the necessity of atonement. Under the influence of such a theory men can go on with their ungodliness and worldliness, whilst the baseless dream of “the larger hope,” the vision of universal salvation, the chance of regeneration in the next world, if missed in this, deceives them and makes the eyes of their souls heavy with fatal slumber. What a terrible awakening will be theirs!

Of course, if the term “Fatherhood” were used merely with reference to God as Creator it would be true. Acts 17:28 tells us how the Apostle Paul in his famous address at Athens quoted the words of a heathen poet, “For we are also His offspring.” Luke’s Gospel traces the genealogy of our Lord up to Adam, who, it declares, was “[the son] of God.” The angels, too, are called God’s sons (Job 38:7).

And in the same way the “Brotherhood of Man” is a phrase that may be used to denote that all men are born of a common stock, made, as Scripture says, “of one blood” (Acts 17:26). But if pressed in a spiritual sense so as to imply relationship the result is mischievous in the extreme, undermining truth of the most vital kind.

That the delusion is wide-spread needs no proof. The New Theology, more truly named Ancient Error, teaches it. And recently the highest ecclesiastic in the land recommended for use in the churches a special prayer in which God is addressed as “the Father of all,” and which includes a petition that “by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit a fuller realization of our brotherhood, man with man, in Thee” might be granted.

Now the test of all this is the inspired Word of God, that sacred volume which allows of no treatment but that which accepts it from cover to cover, or rejects it in its entirety. It is like an arch over a stream—remove one stone and the whole structure under pressure will collapse. Preserve each stone in its place and it will safely bear its appointed weight.

Either we must be prepared to test this theory by the Word of God, or refuse to do so and accept the consequences.

THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD—The false charity that would embrace under this term the unregenerate sinner, religious or irreligious, and call all men God’s children, has no place in Scripture. When the Pharisees opposed the Lord in His works of grace He did not hesitate to rebuke them with words which give direct denial to this popular delusion, “Ye are of your father the devil” (John 8:44). Again, the Apostle Paul, writing to the believers at Ephesus, characterizes their former condition as that of “children of disobedience” and “children of wrath” (Eph. 2:2-3). Other scriptures might be adduced, but the above are conclusive.

THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN—The two propositions we are considering hang together. If God is the Father of all it follows that all men are brothers. Hence if one proposition is destroyed by the teaching of Scripture, the other falls to the ground. But Scripture as plainly denies the one as the other. It speaks of two families. For instance, “The good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one” (Matt. 14:38). Here two distinct families are indicated, as diverse from each other as light from darkness. Again, hear the positive statement of the Lord Himself: “They [believers] are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” And on the positive side of truth, we read how we become children of God. “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:26). Has “the man in the street,” the drunkard, the libertine, the cheat, the liar, the mere professor of religion, unconverted and unsaved, “faith in Christ Jesus”?

Again, “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever does not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loves not his brother” (1 John 3:10). Here again are two families, having no link whatever with each other spiritually. “NOT OF GOD” is disclaimer enough surely.

The whole tenor of Scripture is dead against this much-lauded error, whose very popularity should arouse suspicion as to its origin. Its aim is to wipe out the line of demarcation between the saved and the unsaved, the believer and the unbeliever, the world and those that are not of it. It blurs all spiritual perspective and destroys every vital distinction Scripture makes. In result it denies the fall, the necessity for the death of Christ and everlasting punishment. It either degrades the Son of God to the level of a mere man, or elevates puny men to the status of God Himself. May the Lord deliver His people from the blight of this terrible delusion and give them grace and backbone to hold no truce therewith. Our truest wisdom is to refuse all compromise with it and hold fast to the positive truth of God.

A Christian was once asked what book he would recommend as establishing the truth of the Bible. The answer given was, “The Bible.” Surprise was expressed at this answer, and it was suggested that the question had not been understood. It was repeated, and again the Christian wisely and truly replied, “The Bible.”

I make bold to say the attentive reading of the Bible itself would have hindered this delusion ever obtaining foothold. One of the most lamentable features of the day is neglect of Bible study. The reading of other books is regarded as being equivalent. Christians do not know their Bibles as they should. Let me earnestly recommend the daily prayerful reading of the Word as the safeguard against all the evil doctrine that is current today. The knowledge of truth is the best specific against error.